Summer Baseball 2020
Bob Auerbach and Mark Lima working the West Haven Twilight League and wearing a new kind of umpire mask for the 2020 summer season.
CACC Update

Good Luck Eddie
Retired CBUAO umpire Ed Smallcomb presented with a custom designed American Flag from dmdwoodesigns. Ed will be retiring to his new home in South Carolina. Good Luck Ed!

Sol Yas Inducted into the CCBL Hall of Fame
Click on link Below to view full article http://www.capecodbaseball.org/news/?article_id=2730

Barry Chasen Ballpark
Although there are no games being played and the formal dedication postponed, it is now official. The Windsor, CT High School Varsity Baseball Field is now the BARRY CHASEN BALLPARK. Congratulations Barry, for this wonderful honor.
CCBL Update
For Immediate Release Cape Cod, MA – April 24, 2020: The Cape Cod Baseball League Executive Committee has voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 Cape Cod Baseball League season. The decision was based on the health concerns and safety needs of all involved. Following CDC guidelines and medical recommendations, the league determined it […]