
Hero coaches (William Paterson)

Hero coaches (William Paterson)

Interesting story must read http://wpupioneers.com/news/2016/3/16/baseball-head-coach-lauterhahn-in-right-place-at-right-time-to-help-after-accident.aspx

Its a Girl!

Its a Girl!

Congratulations to Jim Fonseca (Taunton, MA) and his wife April on the birth of their daughter Abigail Rose (8lbs, 41/2 ounces, 21 inches).  Mother and daughter are doing fine.

"Boys just wanna have fun"

“Boys just wanna have fun”

Instructors Rich Maggio and Nick Zibelli having some “fun in the sun” at the NCAA D-II umpire clinic in Palm Beach, Florida.

Best/ Worst Shirt Day for a good cause.

Best/ Worst Shirt Day for a good cause.

Umpires wore their best/worst tropical shirts to benefit the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy at the D-II Instructional Clinic in Palm Beach, Florida.   You can help with your donations at www.gofundme.com/jif920.

Fun in the sun

Fun in the sun

Coordinators and instructors enjoy the Florida Sunshine at the recent D-II Instructional Camp hosted by The Palm Beach Challenge and national Coordinator Dan Weikle (back row 2nd from left).  Rich Maggio and Nick Zibelli represented the Northeast at the event.  

Palm Beach Challenge 2021

Palm Beach Challenge 2021

From the s CBUAO/Palm Beach Challenge: With all of the uncertainty due to covid restrictions and travel its with great disappointment, that we are forced to postpone the 2021 Palm Beach Challenge. We will update on rescheduled dates as more information becomes clear.