
Firsts times a charm
Nathan Dentzau (Whitinsville, MA) made his NCAA debut alongside Nick D’Andrea (Worcester, MA) March 16th at the New England Baseball Complex in Northboro.

Hero coaches (William Paterson)
Interesting story must read http://wpupioneers.com/news/2016/3/16/baseball-head-coach-lauterhahn-in-right-place-at-right-time-to-help-after-accident.aspx

Its a Girl!
Congratulations to Jim Fonseca (Taunton, MA) and his wife April on the birth of their daughter Abigail Rose (8lbs, 41/2 ounces, 21 inches). Mother and daughter are doing fine.

“Boys just wanna have fun”
Instructors Rich Maggio and Nick Zibelli having some “fun in the sun” at the NCAA D-II umpire clinic in Palm Beach, Florida.

Best/ Worst Shirt Day for a good cause.
Umpires wore their best/worst tropical shirts to benefit the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy at the D-II Instructional Clinic in Palm Beach, Florida. You can help with your donations at www.gofundme.com/jif920.